North Vernon Elementary
Stronger Together
illustration of children holding hands around the world with words Around the World in 180 days


Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout outs. Please check in often and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.

Spring Pictures

Spring pictures will be taken on Friday, April 4. Students are encouraged to dress their best for the occasion. Order forms will be sent home soon, so be on the lookout for them. Don’t forget to bring your smile and capture the season with a memorable photo!

Student Council Smencils

The student council will be holding a Smencil sale from March 17 to March 21. Each Smencil, a scented, eco-friendly pencil, will be available for $1. Proceeds from the sale will benefit future school events and activities. Be sure to get a Smencil while supplies last!

STEAM Fair and Science Night

Join us on Thursday, March 13 from 5:30to 7:30 p.m. for our STEAM fair and science night. Discover the wonder of science with engaging hands-on activities. Student STEAM projects will be display in the library.

Track and Field Registration

Jennings County Middle School’s track and field season is set to begin soon, with both the girls and boys teams preparing for an exciting season.

The boys track and field season begins March 3, while the girls season starts March 13. To participate, all athletes must be registered in FinalForms and have a current physical on file in the athletics office before the first practice.

Show Choir Clinic at JCHS

Join us at JCHS for our elementary show choir clinic on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Students from kindergarten through sixth grade are invited to participate in this fun and engaging event.

The clinic will run from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., with a registration fee of $30. Scholarship opportunities are available upon request. Due to high interest, the registration deadline has been extended.

Students will have the opportunity to develop their singing and performance skills in a supportive environment. Don’t miss this chance to learn, sing, and shine!

Pantherette Dance Clinic

Does your child love to dance? Announcing the Pantherette Dance Clinic for ages kindergarten through sixth grade. The clinic will be on Saturday, March 15 from 9:00 to 10:45 a.m. at the JCMS - north gym at the middle school. The cost is $20 which includes a T-shirt. There will be no refunds unless the clinic is canceled. See the Pantherette Dance Team flyer for more information and registration form.

Middle School Cheer Tryouts 2025–2026

Current sixth graders can try out for Middle School Cheer for 2025–2026. Tryout information packets can be picked up in the NVE main office.

Camp Kilowatt

We invite sixth graders to Camp Kilowatt from June 4 through June 7, 2025. This camp is for sixth-grade students who want to learn more about electricity and attend a fun, educational summer camp. View the Camp Kilowatt flyer for details.

Speech & Hearing Screenings

Routine speech and hearing screenings will be conducted throughout the school year. If you do not wish for your child to be screened, please send in a written note.